Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Storage Ideas

The other morning I opened the cupboard to get a glass and this is what I found. Now I am pretty sure that IS NOT where the Milk belongs. Seriously!

The other night I finished off a milk jug and put it back in the fridge empty just to irritate Matt. It worked by the way. So I thought for sure Matt put this in the cupboard to irritate me. He swears he did not do it.

Then I got to thinking. The night before I had poured myself some milk. I went back to get more and it was gone. I wondered how it could disappear so fast. Bottom line........I am pretty sure I did it. What a dumb a**.


Anonymous said...

it's too funny

Maureen said...

Hahahahah....that's priceless! Sounds like something I would do.

Brenda Smith said...

ROFLMAO! Good news is, it was almost empty anyway!

Lynn said...

That is too funny! Something my kids would do, lol

nikki peterson said...

WOW! i knew you were getting forgetful...but wow.... you better figure this out gurl cause you have a long time before you are allowed to come live with me to take care of your old self.... i mean... you can move in when you are like 70 or 80.... until then... your on your own!
jk, love ya

Anonymous said...

Well, at least it wasn't a full carton . . . .

Jill said...

Yes, at least it wasn't a whole gallon wasted. Oh well, happens to the best of us! Ok, so it perhaps happens to some of us a little more often than average...