Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wordless Post


Anonymous said...

are congrats in order??

Rachael said...

It's hard to see if there are two lines. If it's 2, congrats! If it's just one, I'm so sorry.

Jill said...

I'm just seeing one...but whatever the result I hope it's the one you expected and wished for.

Lynn said...

I also see only one. And I'm hoping that whatever the end result is that it is a happy one for you.

Jaime said...

I definitely see two lines. So I should start knitting baby hats, right?


Sue said...

Ummmm... I think I see two lines. If so, congrats!! If not, I'm so sorry. Either way... *BIG HUGS*

nikki peterson said...

WTF! i know this isn't yours.... it better be an old pic... is it jen's?????

nikki peterson said...

oh... i figured it out! you are soooo tricky miss young! that is in fact not a prego test but a menopausal test! haha! i figured you out! now for the future.... no posts like that with no explanation! biotch!