Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Are You Kidding Me?

There are some moringings I simply must re evaluate how much I love my two little dogs. Seriously, are you kidding me right now?

This was the best (being sarcastic) thing I woke up to this morning. I hate it when this happens. I think my first clue was finding a tangerine in bed with me this morning. Then walking down stairs I find this lovely little mood enhancer.

We put a lock on the garbage cabinet so this would not happen. Guees what? Someone forgot to lock it. I am so irritated right now.


renee said...

Our dog used to do stuff like that. Don't you just hate it?

Maureen said...

Ouch...luckily, our dog has never even attempted to do that. Hope the rest of the day is better. (how can it be worse?)

Bonita Rose said...

omg. I'd be frustrated too. lol Hope the rest of your day is more fun and joyful.. sit down and have a drink in the sun, that always helps.. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh no... i'd be fustarted as well.

Janet said...

Oh my goodness! That's pretty awful!

alecia*grimm said...

Dang! That stinks. I hope your day got better. :-)

nikki peterson said...

no that would have been a pic for the 'my bad" page!

Rachael said...

Ugh!! Yeah, definately a great things to wake up to! Bummer!

Jill said...

I guess it's never good to find a tangerine in bed with you in the morning...

YIKE! What a mess! My cats always tear up their food bag and spread cat food everywhere whenever someone forgets to close the closet door. It's gross enough...I'm glad they don't have a real interest in the garbage.