Friday, November 16, 2007

Totally Embarrasing hehehehehe

Everybody knows I LOVE to embarasse and play practical jokes on people. I got the Son in Law good. REALLY good! Just know that posting this picture of him will embarrase him too. So this is going to be a double whammy.

First.....we were making dinner a couple weeks ago and I look over at Matt. He is leaning over the counter with the A1 bottle up to his eye. I am like "WHAT are you doing?" He tells me he is looking for the sauce and he laughs. Oh my gosh! Hold that pose....I get the camera so I can send Jen a picture of her funny husband. I could not believe he actually let me take the picture. If he would have known I was going to post it here he probably would not have let me take it. So that alone is one embarassment. He will flip out. Gotta love it!

Now the funny one. So we are at the airport going to pick up Jen. We are both so excited to see her. You know those moving walkway thingys? The ones you stand on and they move. Matt gets on the one moving from the parking lot to the terminal. I get this wild hair. No one is on the one moving from the terminal to the parking lot. So.....I run and jump on that one and start running all animated like. Matt looks at me with this "What the heck are you doing?" look. So, I stretch my arms open wide and start yelling, "MATT.....DONT LEAVE ME.....DONT GO TO YAMIN.....PLEASE MATT DONT LEAVE ME" Well his eyes got about as big as saucers. He started turning left and right like he was gonna run. There were people in front and behind him. HAHAHAHA no where for him to go. He had to stand there as I am still yelling. "YAMIN IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU.....PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME MATT.....PLEASE" (those of you that watch Friends will know what I was talking about)

I thought he was going to just die. Seriously. I was about ready to pee my pants laughing. Just the look of panic on his face alone was hysterical. And no where to run. That is the moment when you just want to hurt your mother in law really bad.


Colleen said...

OK that is toooooo funny and I can only imagine his expression!! Love it!

Jaime said...

100, Yemen Strreet. Yemen.

"When we get to Yemen, can I stay with you?"

; )