Friday, May 23, 2008

Week 1- Robert Muraine The Great- So You Think You Can Dance

Oh my flippin word!!!!! you seriously must see this guy. Watch the whole thing. From "So you think you can dance" last night. Watch Mia's face through the whole thing. She is the judge on the far left.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I would like to formally introduce you to Annabelle. She is the cutest little/big puppy ever. Well, not really. I personally don't think Pit puppies are cute. However, she is my new grand daughter so I have to think she is cute.

Annabelle is 10 weeks old. The girl must weigh 20 pounds by now. She is going to be a big girl. Did I mention I totally LOVE the name Annabelle. Very Victorianish.
This is when we took Annabelle to the lake in Sonora. We wanted to make sure she new how to swim. She would not go in the water on her own. Matt picker her up and took her out to make her swim back. Before we knew it she was going out on her own to fetch the stick.

Annabelle had a hard week. She went to the River with her Mommy and Daddy. When they were out there a full grown Pit attacked her. The owner punched his dog in the face to make it let go. That did not work so he shoved his dogs head under the water so it could not breath. He let go of Annabelle at that point.

Mommy and Daddy rushed her to the vet. Her left ear was almost tore off. She got 10 staples around her ear. The owner of the other Pit did go to the vet and paid for the damage his dog inflicted. My guess is he was scared they would turn him in and he would loose his dog.

A week later Annabelle's ear was draining gunk. Daddy took her back to the vet. The first Vet did not stitch her all the way nor did they clean out the wound. Daddy took her back out to the first vet. They fixed her right up. Now she has 12 staples around her ear. Poor little girl. However, it made mommy and daddy more concious of the damage a Pit can cause. They will be more careful with her training now. That's a good thing.

Monday, May 12, 2008


This was one of the Hottest Shots of the day. I love how Matt, the groom, is in the background and how they put Drew up in the tree. Very untraditional, and I love it. This layout went together in about 30 min. I must be on a roll with the quickie layouts.

I did not create at all this weekend as my DD and SIL took me to Sonora for Mothers Day weekend. It was great fun, but I am glad to be home. More on that adventure later.

Happy Monday

Thursday, May 8, 2008

It's Been Months

It's been months since I have created a layout. Life got a bit busy. I also had to put my new "Studio" together before I could create anything. Who would have thought I had so much stuff it would take so long to organize it all? I will share my new space soon. I love it.

This Layout took about 30 min. No joke. I don't think I have ever created that quickly. Usually takes about 4 hours. This time I wanted to just go with the flow and not think about the outcome to much. It was fun and I was pleasantly surprised.

I did do one more layout that day but that is for sharing in a later post. Maybe tomorrow. Who knows?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I Might Be Back

After months and months of no blogging......I might be back.
I wanted to show you my new "Word Wall" in my new home. I totally LOVE it. The little words I got at Michael's for $1.00. What a bargain. I repainted them to match my theme. I got the "Family" on sale at Mervyn's. The other big words are just wood letters I bought. The "Simplicity" came from this little hole in the wall store in downtown Sonoma. It is all metal and needs to be painted a different color. I am asking you.....What color do you think it should be?

I have created my Studio in my extra bedroom and a couple new layouts. I will be sharing those in the following days. It's good to be back. Missed you all.