Tuesday, October 23, 2007

She's a Recruit

It's been a week now since Jenni has been in boot camp with the Marines. I can not tell you how hard it has been for Matt and I. I can not even begin to imagine what she is going through. She called us from the layover in Dallas crying to come home. I think she just all of a sudden realized she had really left and there was no turning back. She was so strong in front of us. It probably all caught up with her when she got on the plane. It was a horrible phone call. Matt and I were strong until we hung up and we both lost it.

Then at 11:30 our time, 2:30 am her time we got the "official call". That was even worse because she could only say to us what was on the script. "Recruit arrived safely at Parris Island. Do not send bulky items or food. I will send a postcard in 3-5 days with my address. That is good for now." Then we heard a click. That was it. Nothing else.

We got a phone call from Gunnery Sargent Monroe, the head of the recuiting office, two days later. Jenni had told them she owed outstanding traffic tickets. Gunny said we had to get them paid now or they would send her home. So, I went to the president of my company and got the money to get it paid. Not even an hour later Gunny called again and said Jenni had gone back in and told them she had Scoleosis, flat feet, headaches, HPV, and asthma. UHG! They had to have scared her real bad. Gunny said she is thining "what the heck did I get myself into, got scared and spilled anything she could to make them send her home.

So, long story shorter, they have her in a medical platoon. They did a lot of tests on her yesturday to see if she has asthma or not. If she fails the test there is an 85% chance they will send her home. If she passes, and I am sure she will, then they will drop her into the next incoming platoon there is. So, now she is going to be gone longer than we had planned.

I know she is having a horrible time. They all do. She will get through it. But her mind is not there yet. Brenda started and support group on yahoo for her. I would REALLY love it if you all could go there and leave her messages of encouragement. She does know the group is formed and I will be printing the messages to send her. I can't tell you how she knows but trust me she does. The address is http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MarineRecruitJen/ ...... please leave my girl a message.'

Oh and this picture is of her swearing in to protect our Country literally 5 minettes before they took her from us. I will post her address as soon as I get it. Thank you all for your support.


Cricket said...

I'm sorry that your baby is having such a rough time of it. Sending her some prayers!

Jan C. said...

Oh man--I can only imagine how you and your husband must have felt when you got that call from your DD. But I do agree with you that she will be fine, and moreover I'll bet in a few months she'll be thinking this was the best decision she's ever made. She's going to be such a strong woman when she gets through this!

EquineSpirit said...

Awwww...I can only imagine what she's going through. My brothers were both in the Marines and of course went through boot camp. From what I've heard...it's not easy BUT neither of my brothers would take the experience back. It taught them a lot and they are grateful for all the Marines have done to shape them up...physically and mentally. And I agree with Jan...she'll be just fine and will come out of this a much stronger woman when she finishes. ((HUGS!!)) to her and of course you guys.

Suzy West said...

I'm sorry she's having a hard time sweetie!!! Prayers are with all of you!
Suzy West

Laura Fiore said...

Debbi-so sorry your dd is having second thoughts. I know this has to be killing you to know how sad and scared she is.

Different situation, but my dd is away in her first year of college and just had a breakup with her boyfriend of two years...so hard on her, so hard on us to feel and hear the pain and sadness in her voice. It's slowly getting better...hopefully your dd's will too. I'll be praying for her...that she has the strength to get through this!